IES 305N Grant competition 

NOTE: This funding from IES has passed but we expect that funding line to come again.

IES 305N RFP and Office Hour


Office Hour


Dr. Neil Heffernan's Introduction on IES 305N Grant Competition

Dr. Neil Heffernan's introduction back in 2022 but still relevant as he explained how this works.

Who can participate

Have you ever wanted to run an experiment to improve math learning with thousands of K12 students, but did not have the money or resources? Good news!  IES is running the 305N grant competition again with $400,000-$1M for each grant.  IES already funded 5 platforms to add support for researchers (and E-TRIALS/ASSISTments platform is one of them). The first IES 305N award for $400,000 was just announced and the study will be run using E-TRIALS. 

More details can be found in the IES Request for Applications.

IES requires researchers to submit a feasibility letter from E-TRIALS along with their IES proposal submission. Researchers will need to submit a feasibility letter request to E-TRIALS.

Key dates

Feasibility Letter Request 

Submit requests to:

Applicants’ requests will include the following information: 

Webinar Recording from Last Year

E-TRIALS Affordances

E-TRIALS supports four types of research for this IES grant competition: 

Experiments to run in our platform:

Secondary Data Analysis with our public datasets such as our recent dataset with 50 experiments.

We like supporting other researchers. We have already helped a dozen researchers run studies and over 100 researchers publish secondary data analysis using ASSISTments data.  

Funded Grants using E-TRIALS Platform

The E-TRIALS platform has been used by external researchers for funded grants. 

Click here to see details about those grants. 

We'd love for you to participate.

Sign up if you are interested in 305N

 Email us with any questions