E-TRIALS (previously known as the ASSISTments Testbed) has been used to conduct educational research at Worcester Polytechnic Institute since 2014. ASSISTments has been leveraged by dozens of researchers around the world to publish findings on best practices in online education (e.g., Notre Dame, SRI, UIC, Harvard, Stanford, CMU, etc.). As our goals have expanded, E-TRIALS (or it's predecessor) has been funded publicly by an NSF SI2 grant, an NSF DIBBS grant, an NSF CSSI grant, and private funding from Schmidt Futures.

This site will help you learn how to implement an E-TRIALS study with your own teachers and students or how to leverage data from ASSISTments' learners

ASSISTments is an online learning platform offered as a free public service of Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) that was designed to improve teaching and learning. ASSISTments simultaneously provides students immediate feedback as they complete homework and classwork, while providing teachers with formative assessment of their students' progress. ASSISTments is one of few K-12 math products promoting evidence based practice. It is easy to use and supports existing classroom initiatives including any curriculum, textbook, or Open Education Resource (OER). Contrary to many other ed tech products, ASSISTments also keeps teachers in charge, serving as a powerful resource for professional learning.

We are committed to keeping ASSISTments.org and E-TRIALS free forever.  This is a university affiliated non-profit project.  All intellectual property is owned by WPI, as explained further in the backstory of ASSISTments.